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Council will consider a DMV at Kaleidoscope and inclusionary housing requirements June 11

council meeting

The City Council on Tuesday, June 11 will consider an appeal to a Commission’s approval of the establishment of a DMV at the Kaleidoscope as well as an addition to the Housing Element, among other business items.

The business portion of the meeting starts at 6 pm in the Council Chamber at 200 Civic Center.

The Council will host a public hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of an application to establish a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) service and office branch in the Kaleidoscope at 27741 Crown Valley.   

Another public hearing will consider the establishment of inclusionary housing requirements as referenced in the Housing Plan of Mission Viejo’s 6th Cycle Housing Element.

Following the findings from the Community Opinion Survey presented last month, the Council will consider a potential ballot measure to increase the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). Mission Viejo has a lower TOT than surrounding cities and the Orange County average. Survey results show that the community appears to be in favor of making the TOT more in line with other Orange County cities.

In other business Tuesday, the Council will consider the contract with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for the upcoming fiscal year as well as renewing agreements with the cities of Rancho Santa Margarita and Laguna Hills for animal control and shelter services.

Council meetings are streamed live on the City’s website and air on Cox Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99. Residents are encouraged to sign up for the City's eNewsletter and follow the City's official social media sites for the most accurate, up-to-date information.


Submitted by Janet Torres on Fri, 06/07/2024 - 8:16 am


Good morning. For months now big rigs/dump trucks have been going up and down La Paz all day long. My house is off of La Paz and Marguerite and I cannot figure out what the City is building. All day long these huge trucks are going back and forth. I’ve tried to drive up to La Paz and Olympiad but I can’t see what’s going on. Please tell me what is being built or cleared away at the top of La Paz and Olympiad.

Submitted by City Staff on Fri, 06/07/2024 - 9:43 am


Thank you for your comment on the News page. Soil and funding are being received from construction projects such as the I-5 widening project, and the soil is being used to expand the recreational area at Curtis Park. To get a better look at the site and for more info, the following link will open the section about this project from last year’s State of the City video:


Submitted by Cathy Schlicht on Fri, 06/07/2024 - 3:37 pm


In regards to the March 2024 March Community Survey, these were my 05/14/2024 public comments:

"Once again, the public has been put at a disadvantage, and you are trying to sell a bill of goods based on the false premise that cuts to public safety and infrastructure are pending.

This March 2024 TOT survey was crafted in a manner to obtain the desired results. The questions were not only skewed, but were also based on the premise that public safety and infrastructure will suffer without tax increases.

Also, how can you call a 50% increase in taxes a modest tax increase?

And why wasn’t the public asked if they would prefer a special tax earmarked for a specific purpose or a general tax without any assigned purpose?

And there is also gamesmanship in play with this survey. The structure of the questions in the 2024 survey were rigged to get an increase from 23% Definitely Yes in the March 2022 survey to 32% Definitely Yes for this March 2024 survey.

Basically, this March 2024 Survey used fear mongering to generate the needed responses to support YOUR desired tax increases.

So let's separate fact from fiction.

It should be noted the Financial Report released on March 26, City reserves are at $37.8 million, which is above the target of $35 million for the current budget cycle.

The current survey reveals that less than 7% rated MV quality of life poor with a whopping 87% satisfied with MV City services.

So, since the vast majority of our community is satisfied with our City, what is the real purpose for the tax increases?

You are all hyped up about becoming a sports economy, and now want to soak our "guests" for a 50% rate hike for the privilege of visiting Mission Viejo?

So, if and until our community becomes dissatisfied with the condition of our City, you should not be promoting tax increases. Because doing so is an admission that there is an alternative motive: The reality is to backfill the costs of the lawsuits, the increases in compensation and benefits, the obscene amounts paid to consultants for the vision plans along with the debt service to pay back the $46 million in bonded indebtedness to help fund the purchase of the Stein Mart building.

The consultant has admitted that the survey was geared for how to win at the ballot box.

The questions were framed around a false narrative that there are pending cuts in public safety and infrastructure, but the facts our reserves are strong, and our quality of life is superior.

And you know what ? Our family and friends stay in those hotels.

So stop misleading the public with misleading questions that were generated for the desired result."

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