Public invited to observe election processes Nov. 5

As the Orange County Registrar of Voters (ROV) continues to administer the 2024 Presidential General Election, the public is invited to observe important election processes that will take place on Tuesday, November 5, Registrar officials said in a statement.
People visiting the ROV office (1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana) on Election Day will have an opportunity to view the tallying of mail ballots starting at 8 pm. The votes from all Vote-by-Mail ballots received and processed before this time will be included in the Unofficial Election Results report that will be posted at 8:05 pm.
The votes from in-person ballots cast at Vote Centers (including those in Mission Viejo) will also be tabulated after the polls have closed at 8 pm and will begin to be added to the Unofficial Election Results reports, starting with the second report posted at 9:30 pm. Tabulation of ballots cast at Vote Centers will continue that night until complete with additional Unofficial Election Results reports being posted every half hour.
After all in-person ballots are included in the count, the ROV will post an estimated number of Vote-by-Mail ballots left to process before shutting down for the night.
Starting at 10 am on Wednesday, November 6, the ROV will begin the Official Canvass period, which will offer observers an opportunity to watch as the office continues to process mail ballots and complete post-election audits. Mail ballots will continue to be accepted and processed if they are postmarked by Election Day and received in the ROV office no later than Tuesday, November 12.
Daily election activities are posted and regularly updated at The statutory deadline to certify the results of the election is Tuesday, December 3.
For additional questions or support, contact the Registrar of Voters at 714-567-7600.
You guys are fantastic. Pure…
You guys are fantastic. Pure genius to get ahead of the morons that want to upset the election. Good for you!
Is Election Day November 5?…
Is Election Day November 5? November 12 ? Or December 3? Why are you continuing to count?
This is confusing to me. I thought Election Day was only one day!!
If people didn’t make it by the due date, they missed it.
Who decided to extend the voting date until December?
I thought it was one date, November 5th. I think This is why people don’t trust the system.