Start off summer on the tennis courts

Registration is underway for the following summer tennis programs and social events.
Spring Singles FLEX League - Championship Sunday is May 19
Join us as at 8:30 am on Sunday, May 19 at the Marguerite Tennis Pavilion to cheer on the finalists of the Singles FLEX League! Men and women in three divisions have been competing in weekly singles tennis matches since February, which culminates with Championship Sunday. Stop by and enjoy the high-quality tennis finals.
Evening Doubles Tennis Leagues (TNT, WNT) - June 11 to August 28
Meet new people and play fun, competitive doubles tennis this summer. Enjoy 10-week doubles round-robin tennis leagues for strong 3.5-4.0 players on Tuesdays (TNT) and 4.0-4.5 players on Wednesdays (WNT), with no set partner. Each week, four players will be assigned to a specific court to play three sets, changing partners after each set. Individual scores are tracked to determine the league winner. Players are required to use the provided sub-list to secure an alternate when they can't play. Member fee is $40; non-member fee is $110. TNT WNT
Junior Tennis Competition - May 11 and June 23
Junior players ages 8-18 can compete to improve their tennis game. The competition consists of orange/green dot and yellow ball divisions with four matches guaranteed (2 singles + 2 doubles with Fast 4 scoring). Medals and a ticket to the "Tournament of Champions" will be provided for division winners. For more information, contact Coach Stephen Loreto at 714-757-8903. Fee is $31. May 11 June 23
6th Annual Wimbledon Tennis Social - June 30
Join us for the 6th Annual Wimbledon Round-Robin Tennis Social at 9 am June 30 at the Marguerite Tennis Pavilion. Participants will enjoy a morning of round-robin doubles tennis, with no set partner. White attire is strongly encouraged, and wooden rackets will be available for your use. Fee includes traditional strawberries and cream, lunch and prizes. Member fee is $20; non-member pay $25. Wimbledon Tennis Social
Mission for Autism - May 18
Mission for Autism aims to provide a structured and supportive environment where individuals can develop their tennis skills, improve physical fitness, and enhance social interactions. Through the guidance of Coach Ryan Hill and the support of parents and caregivers, participants can experience the many benefits that sports and physical activity can offer, including improved coordination, self-confidence, and social skills. This program is catered to ages 5-22. Parent participation may be required in certain aspects of the program. Participant Registration Volunteer Registration
Adult Competitive Live Ball - Saturdays
Saturday morning Competitive Live Ball is a 90-minute clinic for intermediate to advanced tennis players who can rally with pace, consistency, and use shot selection in any circumstance to take the point. Be ready to challenge yourself and others through exciting game play and fast-paced scenarios. The fun takes place from 8:30-10 am on Saturday morning. Drop-in available as space allows. May Live Ball June Live Ball