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More public input sought during 2nd Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Virtual Workshop July 27

oso creek golf

Based on public input garnered during the Oso Creek Golf Course and Public Space Virtual Workshop in March, a draft plan was created and a second community workshop will take place on July 27.

Since the public involvement was so robust during the first virtual workshop, the July meeting will also be held from 6-7:30 pm via Zoom.

The City in 2019 acquired the formerly named Casta Del Sol Golf Course that was designed in 1970. Along with the open space along Oso Creek between Casta Del Sol Road and Jeronimo, the City now owns more than 200 acres of public space in the heart of Mission Viejo. This Vision Plan will help identify alternatives for the best uses of the public space in the future.

Register for the workshop today at this link. For more information about the course and its amenities including Terrace on the Green, visit https://osocreekgolf.com.


Submitted by Thomas Driskill on Thu, 07/15/2021 - 9:08 pm


The plans for golf course discussed during the March Virtual Workshop would be devastating for the golf course. These plans would change an executive course into pitch and putt course. Shortening numbers nine, one, and ten will reduce challenging holes to minor par threes.
To run a walking trail inside the course along Marguerite Pkwy so that it reaches the lake will dramatically negatively impact the course to make the trail safe from flying balls.
The city has done a lot of very positive thing with the course and its facilities, please don’t spoil it now.

Submitted by Colleen Edgren on Fri, 07/16/2021 - 11:08 am


The proposed amenities (especially the additional accommodations like restrooms and food resources) to the community trail system not to mention the connectivity of the civic center, community center, Oso creek trail, and all the way up to the lake is a must needed and wanted improvement. I love MV but it is severely lacking updated food and entertainment venues. This will be a welcome change from a private setting serving only a select few to serving the entire community not to mention sure will improve property values and livelihoods of the residents... here here!

Submitted by Dave Stoenner on Fri, 07/16/2021 - 11:50 am


Don't shorten holes 1,9 and 10 If you need to shorten one hole, OK but to turn all 3 into short par 3 has a huge impact. My wife and I golf 2 - 3 times a week and would not if these three holes were shortened. I can't believe we are alone. Serve a quality dinner at the restaurant to drive more revenue, Snacks only after 3:00 doesn't help

Submitted by Sheldon Pines on Fri, 07/16/2021 - 6:59 pm


Don't shorten the course. Add a member club with a monthly fee and a discount. Install a restroom at fifteenth tee

Submitted by Brian on Sat, 07/17/2021 - 9:57 pm


Please do not consider adding a walking trail to the golf course. It would create a hazardous environment to those walking and open the city to significant liability if someone was injured.

The changes the city have made have been positively received. With that said, I would recommend better food options, improve the clubhouse and continue to improve greens and overall course grass condition. I applaud the efforts that have been made and look forward to seeing the results of the cities investment into this golf course.

Submitted by Lou Aranda on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 4:19 pm


I am a weekly player at Oso and I am not in favor of shortening the golf course at all. If rest rooms need to be added, then consider one after the ninth hole, after the 11 th hole or at the 15 th hole.
In addition, I firmly believe that adding a walking trail along the golf course will add severely to a liability situation. Remember the eye injury from a golf ball at Saddleback Golf Range years ago!!
Lou Aarnda

Submitted by Chris on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 8:53 pm


Do not shorten the course. Mission viejo has many hiking and walking trails and few golf courses. A lot of golfers like the course just as it is. Add a bathroom and snack bar at the north end of the course. Also, would be nice to serve more than snacks after 3, especially in the summer.

Submitted by Scott on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 9:00 pm


Please do not shorten an already short course. I’ve lived in MV my entire life and this course, if anything could be extended and made more challenging. There are already a significant amount of hiking/walking trails throughout Mission Viejo that accommodate the public.
Please do not shorten the course

Submitted by Nick G on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 9:05 pm


Do not shorten the course! Lake Mission Viejo is directly across the street and offers a beautiful 3+ mile trail. There is no need to interfere with the course. Leave it alone!

Submitted by Sara on Tue, 07/20/2021 - 9:42 am


A nature or walking trail linking the "downtown" area to the lake is a great idea. Imagine being able to easily walk or bike down to the library or up to the lake without the danger of busy streets. A nature trail through the canyon would be a FAR better benefit than an extra hole on a dying golf course. Golf is not anywhere near as popular as walking, hiking & biking. Just look at how many people use Oso creek and the park on any given weekend versus how many golf. A public space should benefit ALL Mission Viejo residents, not restrict access to a very small number to preserve a hobby.

Submitted by Don Taylor on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 6:55 pm


In the area between Casta del Sol drive and Jeronimo I suggest you make this whole area a ‘Bird Sanctuary’.
The reasons:
1. It matches the Mission Viejo family esthetic.
2. The area already has at least the following birds. Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, Geese, ducks, owls, red tailed hawks, sparrow hawks, flying overhead daily are parrots in groups of 2-7, many types of finches, ravens, I used to see road runners but haven’t lately. I see woodpeckers, humming birds, turkey vultures and many other birds. Birds are popular to see and educational for children and adults.
3. I’m guessing with minimum expenses 2 trails could be created on each side of the stream, a small bridge could be created to walk over the water between the trails. You have a lot of areas to plant various trees for different species of birds (for nesting and food) and the whole area could be just beautiful.
4. Family walks and teachers using the sanctuary for nature walks matches the ‘Beautiful Mission Viejo’ theme. Trails from the existing parking area could be designed.
5. If more parking is desired and with Casta del Sol Drive already so backed-up and crowded…maybe some parking could be added along Via Santa Clara (to ease traffic on Casta del sol Drive.)
Hope you like the idea…
Don Taylor

Submitted by Antoine van de… on Fri, 07/23/2021 - 6:06 am


When they o[ened up I visited the place twice with friends and both times we were almost hit by flying balls because of the inevitable incompetent golfers. I have notified council members and commissioners and nothing has been done. This is a huge lawsuit waiting to happen unless something is done.

Submitted by Tammy on Fri, 07/23/2021 - 8:52 am


Please don’t shorten the course. The longer lengths at 1, 9, and 10 are needed to make the course more challenging and to give golfers a chance to use all of the clubs in their bags. One of the designers noted at the last meeting that in an executive course players don’t expect longer distances. I have to disagree. In its current layout, the course offers challenges to the many seniors, women, and beginners who use it. Additionally, I’m concerned about the impact of the current design of the walking trail. Rather than just connecting from one end to the other, it turns back and follows the other side of the course as well. This won’t be the “straight through” that walkers will expect and will encroach more on the course. How will walkers be protected? Will the trail be surrounded by an unsightly domed fence? As to mixed use, our city has many specialty recreation areas for swimming, tennis, and fitness. Providing a quality golf experience strengthens our community and property values. The golf course has become a vibrant community resource since the city has taken it over and refreshed it. Please don’t weaken its attraction and lose golfers by making the course less challenging.

Submitted by Brenda on Fri, 07/23/2021 - 3:31 pm


We are so happy the city purchased the golf course it is a very popular place and used by so many people to the point that it is backed up and slow at times.
For the city to try and please everyone is a lost course, the hikers and bikers verses the golfers ends up making no one happy. The course should be left the way it is with a few longer holes which brings it in line with normal courses
. Having people hike beside the course is downright dangerous and to make it safe for everyone will turn it into an ugly fenced and netted off trail. Mission Viejo has a lot of nice trails to walk already and parks all over the city. It would be costly also to insure the safety for everyone

Submitted by Al Smith on Fri, 07/23/2021 - 5:47 pm


Please do not shorten the Golf Course. At Par 60 it is a good size for all skill levels. To make it shorter would turn away Golfers as “Executive” size Courses do not do well. You have a good thing now. I hope you plan well and look at all possibilities with both properties.

Submitted by Haig Balian on Wed, 07/28/2021 - 6:50 am


Shortening the only good par 4 holes would turn the course into a par 3 layout, which is not attractive to most golfers.
How about converting the course into a regulation length, challenging 9 hole layout, which would allow space to connect the wide trail.
If the trail can overcome the slope up to the lake, then it would attract many locals biking and hiking; expensive but worth it.
We are 35 year residents and have not joined the lake association because of the separation of businesses from the beach. Walking around the shore and having a bite to eat is what would be attractive and increase business.

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