OCSD launches Take Me Home registry

The Orange County Sheriff's Department launched a regional registry to assist families and caregivers of folks with certain medical conditions, special needs or disabilities that may make communication with law enforcement difficult.
Take Me Home is a free program available to residents to help people with dementia, Alzheimer's, autism, Down syndrome or any developmental disability or medical condition that might impact their ability to effectively communicate.
The registry, which is accessible only by law enforcement, will assist Sheriff's Department personnel by maximizing search efforts and minimizing response time. The registry will allow critical information that could help in locating the missing individual to be quickly disseminated to law enforcement. Information including emergency contact information, known routines and behaviors, calming techniques and an up-to-date photograph can be submitted to Take Me Home.
In addition, Take Me Home can serve as a tool to help Sheriff's Department personnel in responding to calls for service. If contacting a registrant in the field, at a care facility or residence, deputies can better understand how to approach an individual with communication challenges.
Take Me Home was piloted this spring in Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel before launching on July 1. The Sheriff's Department modeled its registry after San Diego's Take Me Home and other similar programs utilized by law enforcement, including the Irvine Police Department's Return Home Registry.
For details about the program, visit ocsd.org/takemehome.
I am interested to add my…
I am interested to add my daughter to this registry for people with possible communication issues. She is 30 years old and lives at home with us and has a learning disability. Please let me know how I can enroll her.
Thank you!
Please follow this link to…
Please follow this link to register: http://www.ocsd.org/about_ocsd/take_me_home_program.