Public Participation Kit
City of Mission Viejo 2021 Districting Public Participation Kit
The City is seeking your help in mapping out what a district-based election would look like. The following links detail how to create potential districts. The first link "Districting Instructions" describes the two options you have for submitting a district map. The second link "Idea Form" is for you to submit comments/ideas on district elections along with your contact information. The next link "Plan Proposal Submission Map" is for downloading and drawing your map. The "District Plan Proposal Assignment" is an Excel spreadsheet for creating different scenarios for the districts.
In-person mapping assistance is available at the Mission Viejo Library, 100 Civic Center, or by calling the City Clerk's Office at 949-470-3052.
Item 1: Districting Instructions (PDF)
Item 2: Idea Form (PDF)
Item 3: Plan Proposal Submission Map (PDF)
Item 4: District Plan Proposal Assignment- Excel (Excel/.xls)
Item 5: 2021 Existing Conditions report (PDF)
Item 6: Plan A (PDF)
Item 7: Plan Proposal Submission Map with School Districts
Item 8: Map of Population Shares aged 0-17
Item 9: Map of Population Shares aged 65+