Operation Clean Street / Street Sweeping Calendars
Did You Know?
The City of Mission Viejo sweeps your public residential streets free of charge every two weeks to keep debris from entering the storm drain and polluting our creeks, beaches, and ocean.
More than 1,800 tons of leaves, trash, dirt, oil and grease are swept up by the City's street sweeping company annually.
If the streets cannot be swept, debris and muck can quickly get trapped underneath parked cars and lodge along the curb, where the debris can harbor bacteria and pollutants. Excess water from irrigating our lawns and rainfall can carry the debris down the street, entering the local storm drain or local creeks.
Operation Clean Street
Operation Clean Street is a City program that strives to encourage residents to not park on their residential streets during street sweeping days, so that all the debris that collects underneath parked cars and along the curb can be swept up before being carried down the storm drain and out into the ocean.
The Residential Street Sweeping Map shows the street sweeping areas in your neighborhood corresponding to the day of the week. Sweeping is done every other week the day after trash day except for holidays, when streets are swept one day later. To retrieve the schedule for your neighborhood, double-click on the color-coded section of the map where your residence is located. Click on "open" and your street sweeping calendar will appear. You can also request a free calendar of street sweeping days by contacting the Public Services Department at
949-470-3064, email publicservices@cityofmissionviejo.org or make a service request for street sweeping.
Remember to park your car off the street during street sweeping days. By moving your car, the street sweepers will be able to sweep the entire pavement, from curb to curb, and collect all the pockets of debris, oil and grease that collect underneath the cars.
View a list of Frequently Asked Questions about street sweeping in your neighborhood.
Tips to Keep Our Streets Clean for Those Downstream
Use a broom and dustpan to clean the sidewalk or driveway in front of your home, and dispose of the debris in a garbage can. If you use a hose, the water will carry the debris down the street and into the storm drain where it is carried out to local creeks and then the beaches and ocean.
Use a doggie litter bag to pick up after your dog during neighborhood walks. Animal waste can breed bacteria that is harmful to living things in our creeks and oceans. They also cause illnesses to people who swim in the waters. Help us bag the waste before it is carried down into the storm drain and out onto our beaches and ocean.
Homeowner and Resident Tips
Please help us by moving parked cars from the street on street sweeping days, so that the street sweeper can sweep up the leaves, dirt and other debris that collect on the street underneath the cars. Remember, the street sweeper is a large vehicle. When it maneuvers away from the curb to avoid a parked vehicle, it can take two car lengths before the street sweeper can reach the curb again. If several cars are parked along a block, the street sweeper may not be able to sweep the entire block.
Please help us by disposing your leaves and yard debris and tree branches (green waste) as part of your regular trash pick-up, and try to avoid sweeping the green waste into the street. Large piles of branches or debris can cause damage to the vacuum operation of the street sweeper, and the street sweeper will avoid debris on the street.
Please remember to pick up your trash cans from the street after trash pick-up day, which typically is the day before street sweeping day.
Try not to irrigate your lawns on street sweeping days. A dry curb and pavement allows for a better pick-up of dirt and debris by the street sweeper.
Are public streets swept on holidays? When does the street sweeper come by my neighborhood if there is a holiday?
Six holiday days are respected, and on these days, there is no street sweeping of public residential streets.
2024 Holidays Date
New Year's Day Monday, January 1, 2024
Memorial Day Monday, May 27, 2024
Independence Day Thursday, July 4, 2024
Labor Day Monday, September 2, 2024
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 28, 2024
Christmas Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Make-up sweeps for holidays are typically scheduled the next day. For example, if your scheduled street sweeping day is Monday, May 27 on Memorial Day, there will be no street sweeping, and the make-up sweep will occur the next day, Tuesday, May 28th.
The Residential Street Sweeping Map shows the street sweeping areas in your neighborhood corresponding to the day of the week. Sweeping is done every other week the day after trash day except for holidays, when streets are swept one day later. To retrieve the schedule for your neighborhood, double-click on the color-coded section of the map where your residence is located. Click on "open" and your street sweeping calendar will appear.
You may also contact Public Services at 949-470-3095 or publicservices@cityofmissionviejo.org for further information or to request a street sweeping schedule for your address. The calendar schedule identifies all street sweeping days, street sweeping holidays, and the make-up days for holidays.
The street sweeper may have missed my street today. Who should I call?
If the street sweeper missed your residential street, please call the Public Services Department at 949/470-3064 and we can discuss if there were reasons for a missed sweep (holiday schedule, parked cars on the street that prevented the street sweeper from sweeping in front of your home). We will be happy to work with you on this issue, and to also send you a street sweeping calendar that lists all the street sweeping days in your neighborhood.
Why is street sweeping important for water quality? What does street sweeping have to do with ocean pollution?
A lot of debris and pollutants can collect on a street. In addition to dust and dirt and leaves that can collect from the environment, a street sweeper also picks up oil and break dust from cars, animal waste, and bacteria that can thrive in the debris. If the street is not swept, all this debris and pollutants will be carried into the storm drain system with the next set of rains or from irrigation watering and ultimately be carried out into the ocean where it can be harmful to ocean life. The pollutants also can cause illnesses to people who swim in the ocean waters.
Operation Clean Street is a City program that strives to encourage residents to not park on their residential streets during street sweeping days, so that all the debris that collects underneath parked cars and along the curb can be swept up before being carried down the storm drain and out into the ocean. For information about Operation Clean Street, and get a free calendar of street sweeping days, and other handy tips.
I move my car every day on street sweeping days, but some of my neighbors do not, and the section of the street by house hasn't been swept for weeks. What can I do?
Please call us at the Public Services Department at 949/470-3064, or email us at publicservices@cityofmissionviejo.org. We can distribute information and a calendar of street sweeping days to your neighbors. We are also available to discuss street sweeping at your homeowner's association meeting.
Homeowner and Resident Tips
Please help us by moving parked cars from the street on street sweeping days, so that the street sweeper can sweep up the leaves, dirt and other debris that collect on the street underneath the cars. Remember, the street sweeper is a large vehicle. When it maneuvers away from the curb to avoid a parked vehicle, it can take two car lengths before the street sweeper can reach the curb again. If several cars are parked along a block, the street sweeper may not be able to sweep the entire block.
Please help us by disposing your leaves and yard debris and tree branches (green waste) as part of your regular trash pick-up, and try to avoid sweeping the green waste into the street. Large piles of branches or debris can cause damage to the vacuum operation of the street sweeper, and the street sweeper will avoid debris on the street.
Please remember to pick up your trash cans from the street after trash pick-up day, which typically is the day before street sweeping day.
Try not to irrigate your lawns on street sweeping days. A dry curb and pavement allows for a better pick-up of dirt and debris by the street sweeper.