Mark your calendar for Relay For Life Kick-off April 16

Join others passionate about ending cancer at the Kick-off for the 2024 Relay For Life of South Orange County on Tuesday, April 16. The Kick-off is from 6 to 8 pm at the Leonard Cancer Institute at Providence Mission Hospital, 27799 Medical Center Road.
The American Cancer Society's Relay For Life is a fun-filled event that celebrates survivors and caregivers, remembers those we have lost and raises funds for research and programs. The event offers something for everyone - from the newly diagnosed and caregivers to friends and long-term cancer survivors.
To RSVP for the kick-off celebration, visit this link. For more information, contact Kaylee Hage at
Relay For Life of South Orange County takes place on Saturday, September 21 from 1-9 pm on the Village Green at Oso Viejo Community Park, 24932 Veterans Way. For more information, visit
Please join us in the fight…
Please join us in the fight against cancer! Together we can make a difference!