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Police Services warns of uptick in vehicle break-ins

vehicle theft

Mission Viejo Police Services is reminding residents to lock their vehicles after an uptick of car break-ins at local sports parks.  
To prevent theft from car vehicles, remember to:

  • Always lock your car doors. 
  • Roll up windows and take your keys with you. 
  • Remove valuables and visible items before leaving your vehicle. 
  • Set your car alarm. 
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended. 

Avoid leaving anything visible in the car. Almost any item that is visible from the outside could be seen as valuable to a thief. Sunglasses, loose change, or a bag could be perceived as valuable. 
For emergencies or crimes in progress, call 9-1-1. If you experience a burglary or theft, report it immediately by calling the Sheriff's Department's non-emergency dispatch line at 714-647-7000 or 949-770-6011. 


Submitted by Erika on Thu, 10/19/2023 - 8:34 pm


Drivers need to be more careful & do their part. I never leave anything visible in the car.
Sometimes, however, the burglars just work through a whole line of cars, regardless of what is visible, as it's efficient that way, each car taking less than a minute.
Since this problem has been known for so long, why doesn't the City install multiple cameras at these parks? Sooner or later these criminals would be identified & pulled "out of circulation".
Luckily the City has been doing well financially & technology is becoming better & cheaper, so I can't see it being cost-prohibitive.
In other places "bait cars" worked well too. Does the City plan on doing more against this problem?

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