The Department of Public Works is comprised of and oversees the following divisions.
This division is responsible for the central administration of the department's divisions, as well as providing technical assistance and staff support to the City's Community Development Agency.
Administration monitors and supports the passage of legislation that would increase funding for local infrastructure needs, improve environmental permitting requirements, and enable local governments to provide infrastructure maintenance and improvements for water quality and flood control facilities.
- Reviews development proposals, drainage plans, street improvement plans, grading plans, geotechnical reports, and landscape plans.
- Engineering conducts courtesy engineering inspections for residents with slope problems.
- Reviews and administers encroachment, grading, and transportation permitting.
- Approves tract maps, parcel maps, lot line adjustments, easements, and certificates of correction.
- Processes right-of-way acquisitions and abandonments and maintains and updates the City's Geographical Information System (GIS) and the City's Pavement Management System.
- Oversees emergency repairs and FEMA-funded repairs, administers the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System (which provides businesses and homeowners discounts on flood insurance.
- Provides inspection services for development projects, encroachment permits, haul routes, and capital improvement projects, including all grading activities and the construction of roads, bridges, storm drains, traffic systems, landscape improvement projects, and commercial and residential development projects.
- Inspects all grading, capital improvement projects, and encroachment.
Traffic and Transportation
- Reviews public and private development plans including environmental documents prepared by adjacent communities to assess potential transportation impacts on the City.
- Coordinates transportation planning on a regional scale with other agencies.
- Prepares citywide speed limit update every five years in compliance with state law.
- Coordinates and reviews the annual operation, repair and upgrade of traffic signal equipment.
- Plans, implements and operates the citywide, regionally integrated traffic signal system.
- Monitors traffic flow patterns to determine the traffic control devices needed at signalized intersections.
- Prepares a biennial review of non-signalized intersections to determine the need for new traffic signals.
- Evaluates requests for speed humps on eligible residential streets.
- Investigates citizen inquiries on circulation and traffic operation problems to identify and implement corrective measures, and investigates citizen requests for neighborhood traffic and other traffic safety issues.
- Reviews and monitors signing and striping, maintains or replaces traffic control devices, and reviews encroachment, parking, special event, and transportation permits.
- Evaluates traffic circulation at various schools and/or or bus stop locations.
- Manages the contract which provides crossing guard service at eligible school crossings in the City.
- Administers the City's integrated solid waste management franchise agreement for both residential and commercial services with its waste hauler.
- Implements a variety of recycling programs and offers public education and outreach on recycling, waste reduction, and solid waste services, including assistance to local schools and businesses.
- Oversees the City's Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Recycling Program.
- Oversees special programs such as the sharps needle disposal by mail and medication drop-off programs.
Water Quality
- Ensures compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit issued by the State.
- Coordinates with Orange County Public Works on monitoring and assessment of the City's creeks and streams.
- Works to obtain grant funds from State and Federal agencies for projects to reduce water runoff and for waterway pollution prevention programs.
- Investigates sources of pollution and enforces the City's Water Quality Ordinance and NPDES MS4 Permit.
- Reports to the State quarterly and annually a series of measurable indicators of water quality improvement.