Community Services Funding
The following guidelines are provided to assist with the application process for the City of Mission Viejo Community Services Funding Program.
- Who is eligible to apply?
All community not-for-profit organizations meeting the requirements and guidelines specified in the City Council's Community Services Funding Policy may apply for funds. Policy furnished upon request.
- Funding Categories
The City of Mission Viejo is accepting and considering applications for Human Services related programs and services. These programs and services include, but are not limited to: veterans services; crisis intervention and/or centers; drug abuse prevention services; homeless support services; senior citizens; services for special needs populations; child day care; health and safety and youth-serving agencies. Allocations are limited to $5,000; however, final funding determinations are made by City Council. Funding is competitive and based on application quality, adherence to to guidelines, relevance to city goals and city budget. Note: Programs submitted for Community Services Funding must differ from programs approved for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
- Funding / Report cycles - Updated
Applications will be available in January 2022 and due March 1, 2022. Funding will be awarded no later than June 30, 2022 for the program cycle beginning July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023. Two performance reports are required of grant recipients. For program period July 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, report is due January 31, 2023. For program period January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023, report is due July 29, 2023.
- How do you apply?
Applicants to email the on-line fillable applications and required attachments via individual PDF documents.
a) Articles of Incorporation (new agencies only)
b) Bylaws of Organization (new agencies only)
c) Board of Directors Roster (names/addresses/telephone numbers of current members)
d) Current Certificate of General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1 million per occurrence and $2 million in the aggregate, with Mission Viejo listed as "Certificate Holder" on certificate or letter stating the ability to obtain before funding is allocated. Do not send full policy.
e) Current Certificate of Workers' Compensation coverage in an amount not less than $1 million. Do not send full policy. If agency is not subject to Workers' Compensation laws, submission of a Declaration of Non-Employer Status will be required.
f) Current Board Approved Operating Budget.
g) Recent Letters of Support for the proposed program only (1-2 years prior to grant submission date).
Please review the Insurance Standards.
- What is the approval process and funding requirements?
The Recreation and Community Services Commissions reviews all applicants at two public meetings, generally scheduled in March and April. The Commission forwards their recommendations to the City Council for funding consideration. Final funding decisions are made by City Council in early or late June. Agencies are required to keep an accounting of expended funds and return any unused funds at the end of the one-year grant period. City monies shall only be used for the purpose duly authorized by the City Council and in accordance with the application and budget information submitted by the agency. Allocations are limited to $5,000; however, final funding determinations are made by City Council. Funding is competitive and based on application quality and relevance to City goals.
- How quickly will funding be available?
Applicants are notified of funding status within three days of City Council determination. Funds are distributed within two or three weeks of grant notification provided all insurance documents have been approved by the City's Risk Manager and the Vendor Application and W-9 form has been received, approved and processed by the City's Administrative Services Department.
- Questions/Grant Orientations
For technical assistance contact or Leslie Rea-McDonald at or 949-470-8412.
Before proceeding, please read...
- Before opening the Community Services Funding Application, please make sure you are using the most current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Access "Help Tab" for questions/issues.)
- For help establishing a digital signature, refer to "Digital ID's" in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Save all required forms to your computer before proceeding.
- After completing the Community Services Funding Application, digitally sign the document, save a copy to your system and submit along with required documents to
- If electing not to use a digital signature option or the option is unavailable, download the completed forms, print, sign and scan to
- Special Instructions: send the application and required documents noted in Section 4 (How to Apply) in one email as individual attachments. Do not send the entire application packet as one document.
- City will confirm receipts of all emailed documents.
Applicant Forms
Processing Forms (One-time ONLY)
Report Forms