Sports Fields
Sports fields can be reserved for Mission Viejo residents by obtaining a permit. Please view the Sports Field Use and Allocation Policy and appropriate rates for user groups.
Sports fields are allocated and permitted in two (2) seasons. February through July encompasses the spring season and from September through December encompasses the fall season. The City maintains the right to adjust season dates to facilitate required field maintenance and field rest. Priority will be given to Mission Viejo user groups and non-profit organizations. Submission of an Application and Agreement Request does not constitute approval.
For reservation requests, please complete this online application for this current season.
Liability insurance will be required for any organized group obtaining a permit. Attendance must be accurate to determine if park facility will accommodate your event.
Inclement Weather Policy
The City of Mission Viejo reserves the right to cancel or suspend Field Use Permits when field conditions could result in injury to players or cause damage to the fields. Permits may also be canceled when the health and safety of participants are threatened due to impending conditions, including but not limited to, rain, muddy conditions, smog alerts, smoke, extreme heat, maintenance issues, lightening and earthquakes.
During inclement weather, City staff will assess the playability of all City-owned and Joint Use fields. The City’s MV Life app and online field status page will be updated by 2:00 p.m. on inclement weather days. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to obtain status and notify participants.
Special Event Requests
Parks and Sports fields can be reserved for special events if permitted. Please submit a request by completing this online application. Attendance must be accurate to determine if park facility will accommodate your event.