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Community Dev Block Grant

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a federal grant program established by the Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA) of 1974 and administered by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The primary objective of this program is to develop viable urban communities by supporting activities that create or enhance the following three focus areas:

  1. Decent housing

  2. A suitable living environment; and

  3. Economic opportunities.

The use of CDBG funds must be directed principally for persons of low-and moderate-income. Regulations governing the CDBG program also require that each activity undertaken with CDBG funds meet one of the three national objectives:

  1. Benefit low-and moderate-income persons

  2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight

  3. Meet a community development need having a particular urgency

In order to receive CDBG funding, the City must prepare certain key documents, and make these documents available to the public. Additionally, while in development, those documents must be available for public review and comment. A special section is reserved for the positing of the documents during their respective review/comment periods.

For general CDBG information, contact the Community Development department at cd@cityofmissionviejo.org.

2025 - 2026 Public Service Grants

The City of Mission Viejo, as an "entitlement city," receives CDBG funding directly from HUD for the benefit of its qualifying residents only.  Public Service organizations located outside of Mission Viejo and/or serving residents of other cities are strongly encouraged to apply to those entities for funding.  In the case of cities with populations less than 50,000, the County of Orange administers their CDBG funds and Public Service groups should call (714) 480-2900 for more information on how to apply.  HUD also maintains a convenient list of CDBG-recipient Orange County cities on its website.

Notice of Funding Available

Notice of Funding Available - 2025-2026 CDBG Public Service Grants

Application Guidelines and Application

An MS Word version of the application form may be obtained by contacting the Community Development department at cd@cityofmissionviejo.org.

Consolidated Plan (Con Plan)

The Consolidated Plan is a document that identifies the City's overall housing and community development needs, as well as strategies to address those needs, for a five year planning period.

FY2020-2024 Consolidated Plan

Action Plan  

The Annual Action Plan provides specific information regarding the resources and activities the City will utilize to address priority needs and specific objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan during a 12-month period. The Action Plan serves as the link between the objectives developed to address priority housing and community needs, and the federal and other resources that will be used to accomplish those objectives.

Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) assists City residents, City staff, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assess the City's use of federal grant funds to meet the priority needs identified in the City's Consolidated Plan. The CAPER covers the most recently completed 12-month period covered in a previous Action Plan.

FY2022-2023 CAPER