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Building Services

Building Counter Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am - 4 pm 

Last sign in 3:30 pm, Counter is closed from 12 pm - 1 pm


All permits and inspections must be submitted and scheduled online. Applicants must register and submit in the Client Self Service Online Portal. The Permit Applicant must list all contacts on their permit to allow for viewing permit details and scheduling inspections.





Before submitting a permit application, it is recommended that you review the Resources and How To Guides for the Client Self Service system.

Did you submit your permits and plans on or before September 7, 2023?

If so, visit Legacy Permits for online resources.

Building Services is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the uniform codes and related federal, state, and city adopted laws and ordinances. This responsibility includes meeting state mandates to assure all structures meet or exceed the minimum life safety standards of the aforementioned codes, laws, and ordinances. This division assures these standards by providing organized procedures for the reviewing of plans and specifications, field checking construction projects, and investigation of substandard structures for abatement.

For inquiries about Building Inspections, contact buildinginspection@cityofmissionviejo.org.  For information about other Building Services contact bldgservices@cityofmissionviejo.org or (949) 470-3054.  For issues with the Client Self Service system, contact self-service-help@cityofmissionviejo.org.  

Please note that Building Services is experiencing a high volume of email inquiries and phone calls, response times may be delayed, but will be returned in the order received.

This division is provided under contract with the engineering and management consulting firm Charles Abbott Associates, Inc. (CAA) and is administered through the following sections:

Building Division Fee Schedule Effective April 1, 2023

Energy Efficient Measure Fee Waiver Program


The Building Safety Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of federal, state, and city laws and ordinances as they relate to construction, use, and occupancy. 

Building Codes 2022 - The City Council adopts by reference model codes which have been amended by the state for use in California. The City further amends these codes (as necessary) to address specific local climatic, geologic and topographic conditions. These model codes are adopted so that regulatory government may apply their codes consistently and with due process for all those affected. In an effort to further promote uniformity throughout Orange County, the Mission Viejo Building Safety Division is a member of Orange County's Coalition for Building Code Uniformity.

Construction Related Fees - Fees for the various functions of the Building Safety Division are adopted from the California Building Codes (CBC) through a resolution by the City Council.

Permit Application

Use Client Self Service to apply for permits, submit plans, pay fees, and request inspections.   

Documentation can be found in the City’s Document Center, including but not limited to, Certificate of Occupancy Applications and Construction & Demolition Paperwork

PLEASE NOTE:  Only after receiving a complete application can a formal review be conducted. 

Additionally, if a building permit was submitted before September 7, 2023, it will not be processed using the Client Self Service System.

Next Business Day Building Inspections

The Building Safety Division is responsible for proper inspection of all construction work to assure compliance with approved plans, laws and ordinances pertaining to construction, use, and occupancy.

Inspections are conducted next business day and must be submitted before 4:00 PM the day before your desired date of inspection. To manage inspection requests, cancellations and confirmations please access your account in Client Self Service.  The Permit Applicant must list all the contacts on the permit in order for you to have access to the inspection requests.  If your project was submitted on or before September 7, 2023, use this online form to submit an inspection.

Inspection results will be emailed to the contractor and accessible in your account in Client Self Service.

For inquires about inspections, contact buildinginspections@cityofmissionviejo.org.

Americans with Disability Act

For ADA inquires specific to buildings, building access, and building development, please contact the City's Building Division directly at 949-470-3054.

Assembly Bill No. 3002 Disability Notice

For more information, you may view the City's Accessibility Evaluation Report or ADA Grievance Form.

Contact Us

For inquires about inspections, contact buildinginspections@cityofmissionviejo.org.  All other Building Services contact (949) 470-3054 or e-mail bldgservices@cityofmissionviejo.org