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Housing Element

Notice of Availability

Housing Rehabilitation

Fair Housing Services

The Fair Housing Foundation (FHF) assists residents of the City of Mission Viejo. FHF is contracted by the City and receives funds through the Community Development Block Grants. They educate the public about Fair Housing rights and responsibilities through workshops, trainings, and community events. FHF provides mediation and counseling services through their organization's housing assistance hotline 1-800-446-FAIR (3247) and walk-in clinics. They also investigate issues of discrimination related to housing.

For more information, visit www.FHFCA.org.

Upcoming Fair Housing Workshops

Residential Planned Development Permit (PDP) Planning Application Filing Requirements

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Mission Viejo Pre-Approved ADU Plans

Housing Laws Overview

Additional Resources

California HCD Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) 

California housing and community development regional housing needs assessment 2040 future housing survey