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The City of Mission Viejo and the Orange County Sheriff's Department are committed to providing a safe environment for residents in the community.

Drug Free Mission Viejo

Prescription drug abuse among children in our community continues to grow at alarming rates.  In fact, it is a national epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Because of that, Mission Viejo Television has developed "An Invisible Line," a four-part series covering a slice of what is happening in and around Mission Viejo. Please visit the following links to watch the series regarding the impact drugs can have on our children:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Prescription Drug Abuse PSA

Prescription Drug Abuse PSA released by Community Service Programs, Orange County

Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition

The City of Mission Viejo is seeking caring, concerned citizens to join

The Mission Viejo Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition (MVDAPC) was initiated by the Mission Viejo City Council to prevent the spread of opioid and drug abuse within the city. The Coalition educates on drug trends; causes and prevention of addictive behaviors leading to drug abuse; techniques and resources for drug prevention and community wellness; and provides education on recovery services including the use of Naloxone, an opiate overdose antidote. The Coalition offers networking opportunities to connect needs to services while promoting and sponsoring drug awareness and prevention programs in the community.

The Coalition is open to the general public, including businesses, non-profits and to anyone who has a passion to advocate for and participate in community-wide drug abuse prevention.

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at the Norman P. Murray Community & Senior Center, 24932 Veterans Way, from 6 to 7 p.m., with a time change of 6:30- 7:30 p.m. effective February, 2020.

Coalition technical advisors include the OC Health Care Agency, Mission Viejo Police Services and National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (NCADD). 

For more information, contact Leslie McDonald at lmcdonald@cityofmissionviejo.org.

The Parent Project

Parents are invited to take part in the Parent Project program that is designed to help children grow into safe and capable adults. The Orange County Sheriff's Department offers the 10-week program that was created for parents with difficult or out-of-control adolescent children. Developed over a 20-year-period, the curriculum helps parents learn and practice specific prevention and intervention strategies for defiant actions or destructive behaviors such as truancy, alcohol and drug use, gang involvement, running away, violence and other issues. Parents will learn proven tools and tactics to deal with poor grades and online gaming addictions, in addition to understanding teens and their use of technology.

Mission Viejo Deputy Sheriffs, including several of the School Resource Officers, receive 40 hours of training to facilitate the program, which caters to parents with kids in different stages of life. Deputies teaching the program can address every issue parents may have with their children to help them build better relationships.

Date & Time:

Location, cost and RSVP:
Visit www.parentproject.com for details

Stay Safe OC

A partnership between Orange County Sheriff's Department and the communities we serve in an effort to reduce crime and keep OC safe. Please visit the Stay Safe OC page for detailed safety information.

National Crime Prevention Council

The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and The Advertising Council, Inc. (Ad Council) have created a Safe Firearms Storage public education campaign to encourage firearms owners to store firearms safely by locking them up.

Megan's Law

Visit the Megan's Law website at http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/to search for the list of known sex offenders. After reading the disclaimer and accepting the terms you may search via address, city, etc. to find the list.

Beware of Scams

Stay up to date with the most recent scams by visiting the Stay Safe OC Scams website.

If you See Something, Say Something

Visit Keep OC Safe to learn how you can help keep your family and community safe.