Reading Recommendations
Reading Lists
- Beach Reads
- Great Reads for Adults
- Voting
- Women's Suffrage
- Gratitude Reading List
- Black History Month
- Oso Fit Reading List
- Abuse Awareness Reading List
- Japanese-American Internment Reading List
- Veterans Resource Reading List
NoveList Plus
NoveList Plus is the premiere database of reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world presenting fiction, nonfiction and audiobooks and includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
Book Clubs
We offer three book clubs for ages 18 and up. The Brown Bag Book Club meets on the second Friday of every month at noon. Thursday Night Thrillers, especially designed for mystery readers, meets on the third Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Book Club in the Pub meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 pm at Pub Thirty-Two. See a list of past and upcoming title selections, and email for more information about joining our book clubs.
Book Club Kits
Hosting your own book club meetings is easy when you check out one of our Book Club Kits. We offer kits for both kids and adults. Each kit checks out for 42 days and includes multiple book copies, thought-provoking discussion questions, author information, book reviews, and suggestions for further reading. Kids' Book Club Kits also contain craft and activity ideas-- everything you need to host a successful book club for any age! Browse our selection of Book Club Kits today!
Staff Book Picks
Visit the library's Facebook page to see short videos of all of the books our staff are currently reading.