Digital Books, Audiobooks, Magazines, Streaming Music & Video
Freegal | Freegal Music+ offers free access to ad-free music streaming from a collection of over 15 million songs from over 200 genres. |
Kanopy | Classic films, world cinema, documentaries, and popular movies available for on-demand streaming. |
Libby | eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines |
The Libby app is available from both the Apple App Store , Google Play Store, and Amazon App Store. If you need additional help, please contact the library at or visit Libby Help web page at
The Southern California Digital Library site can still be used to read a book on your computer.
To access Freegal, Kanopy, and Libby you will need:
- Your library card number - use a capital "M" and enter the barcode number with no spaces (e.g. M107165771).
- PIN - Your PIN is typically the last 4 digits of your phone number.
For more help with these resources visit Niche Academy.